Tips To Survive Rising Rates And Record-High Inflation

Tips To Survive Rising Rates And Record-High Inflation

The effects of inflation and rising rates are top of mind for homeowners in Brampton, Toronto and the GTA. After all inflation was 6.8% in April and 7.7% in May, Canada’s highest level in decades. Let’s look at how certain choices can help make sure you are prepared...

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12 Tips to Help You Thrive in 2022

12 Tips to Help You Thrive in 2022

In Brampton, Toronto and the GTA we keep talking about the housing market! Are we in a housing bubble, will rates rise in 2022 and by how much, which is better fixed or variable, is this the right time to buy or refinance, and on and on! Heading into 2022 it feels...

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Getting ready for higher rates

Getting ready for higher rates

Homeowners and homebuyers in Brampton, Toronto and the GTA are hearing in the news that inflation is a major concern and will lead to higher rates. Please stay away from the fear mongering and get in touch if you have concerns. Yes, there are inflationary pressures,...

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